A Very Busy Start to 2021 For Conntrak Catering Services

Abu Dhabi, UAE, Release: March 23, 2021. For Immediate Release

Conntrak Catering Services has been extremely busy in various regions with establishing an entity in Malaysia, along with being awarded several new offshore catering contracts across South East Asia and the Middle East.

In Malaysia, Conntrak Catering Services have established a legal entity in support of a number of clients in-country and across the region. Craig Ogden, Managing Director, stated “with substantial growth across our South East Asian business in 2020, it was imperative to establish a legal presence in Malaysia in support of both existing clients in region, and to identify new opportunities in Malaysia. In establishing this entity, we are now a licensed vendor with Petronas.”

Elsewhere in the region Conntrak were awarded long-term projects with Valaris and Seajacks in South East Asia and have recently mobilised several Jack-Up Barges across the Middle East with existing clients. Nathan Russell, Commercial Director of Conntrak Catering, stated “it has been a very busy start to 2021 for the Conntrak team with multiple awards and mobilisations across South East Asian, the Middle East, West Africa, and the North Sea. We continue to focus on our growth and performance strategy and look forward to further expansion with existing and new clients around the world.”

More information about Conntrak Catering Services can be found at: www.conntrak.com